Justin Bieber has gone through so much in his life and his journey to Jesus Christ was nothing easy. In this mini movie, Justin's full life story along with his faith in God is showcased. Being exposed to an extreme level of popularity and fame at such a young age, Justin has gone through so much. It is very rare to see true Christians who are saved and are still working in Hollywood/Music/Entertainment Industry. Justin is definitely on the right track and I encourage you all to pray for him and his walk with Jesus. He is very active when it comes to sharing his faith in Jesus. He has never appeared to be ashamed of Jesus and doesn't hold back on speaking about his faith, so I want to thank him for his change of heart and spreading the good news. Make Sure To Subscribe For More Content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIdK... God The Father Apparel (15% off w/ code "AJ15"): https://godthefatherapparel.com/ajay-... ➦I n s t a g r a m: https://www.instagram.com/ajbvgga ➦ B u s i n e s s I n q u i r i e s: [email protected] Music: "Circle of Life" - Whitesand "Summers" - prod. by bartes "The Zone" - prod. by Heath Stone "Skyfall" - prod. by Heath Stone "Ghost" - prod. by Othellobeats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzQUW... Video clips used in this video are the property of their respective owners. #JesusIsLord #JustinBieber #Celebrities