Join Amir Tsarfati with guests Pastor Barry Stagner, Pastor Mike Golay and Pastor Jeff Cuozzo as they discuss if the Bible teaches whether or not the Church will go through the Great Tribulation.
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Escape is the whole point of following Christ !!!
I want to escape hell !!!
Christians have always been persecuted at sometime, somewhere. There have been hard times to live through on every continent, some worse than others. Father G_d has always made a way just as is planned for all believers in His Son to be delivered from the worst that is yet to come. Thank You, Yeshua, for all You paid for on that dreadful day of Your sacrifice for all of us that have done nothing to deserve it. Thank You that we can expect to see You soon.
I think alot of people who are christians will be tested and prosecuted. Those who take the mark of the beast will go to hell. I believe the microchip is that and so is the cashless society . We're heading for new world order or the one world government and , Jesus is coming very soon.