
Jack Van Impe


Jack Van Imp Presents is a Weekly Bible Prophecy Television Show. The Show features World News from an End Time Perspective. 

Bible Preaching Bible Prophecy Rapture Ready TV TV On-Demand Bible Study
  • Simone Sugg

    As far as I know Jack Van Imp was a false teacher. Why do you discrete Rapture Ready listing him?

  • Edie

    Revival begins with the Church , so hurry up and repent We need it to spread ...
    pray for Santification

  • Bible Prophecy in Action

    “ONE DIGITAL ID TO RULE US ALL” – RACING TOWARDS THE BIBLE PROPHESIED MARK OF THE BEAST", To read more, pls visit :point_down: https://bibleprophecyinaction.blogspot.com/

  • Michael J Justice

    The world is falling apart:earth_africa::clock12::fire::trumpet::pray::raised_hands::flag_us::questio n::raising_hand: Babylon the great is falling :flag_us::raising_hand: