
How To Face The Last Days Without Fear! - Derek Prince HD


The Bible speaks often about 'The Last Days'. Terrible things will happen. These things might frighten us. Yet as Christians we do not need to fear them. In this sermon Bible teacher Derek Prince shares how we can face those days without fear. Something very relevant in this time, with the coronavirus outbreak.

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How To Face The Last Days Without Fear! - Derek Pr, Derek Prince, Bible Study
  • sbradley@[email protected]

    Praise The Lord for blessings on you and all. Thank you.

  • Stephani

    AMEN - asam concerned about our Country and what's happening and Im fervently watching.I know it's going to be really bad But afraid Im not. It's so comforting being a Christian to know try God is greater than any other force we may come Against.This is a Good against evil fight,God against Satem and we know how that ends. Praise God our father for his grace. I look forward to Our homecomming.